28 mars 2023

En annan Ukrainaanalys

Den schweiziske militäranalytikern Jacques Baud presenterar har sin syn på Ukrainakriget. Han får till stora delar med håll - men också invändningar - av ambassadör Sven Hirdman.

Se filmen från bokpresentationen 25 mars i Solidaritetshuset. Köp och läs boken "Operation Z" (Karneval förlag).

När du har tittat på filmen ovan (https://youtu.be/joTDtOcFYq8) kan du se resten av mötet (28 minuter) här:


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2 kommentarer:

  1. I believe there is a slight misunderstanding here. As far as I can see Russia has not evoked the infamous resolution from UN General assembly "Responsibility to Protect" as a legitimation for the "special operation" in Ukraine. In different speeches president Putin has talked about a moral duty to protect the Donbass people, but that is not defence for the lawfulness of the operation. I have the impression that Russia stresses the role of LNR and DNR as sovereign subjects calling Russia to help, which is at least as legitimate as the Indian armies intervention in East Pakistan in 1971.

  2. I understood this in the same way.


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